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Equine & Canine Osteopathy
Equine and Canine Osteopathy is a recognised, hands-on treatment that helps to release restrictions in the musculoskeletal system and promote improved circulation to joints and soft tissues.
This in turn promotes efficient healing following injury or imbalance through the horse or dog. It also eases any nerve irritation and ensures your animal can work and play with improved flexibility and become the athlete it is designed to be.
Osteopathy is holistic in its approach and considers the health of all the systems of the horse or dog (including cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive and nervous systems).
By regaining balance in the musculoskeletal system there are also benefits to these systems (both mechanically and through improved nerve and blood supply). This helps reduce and pain and promote improved mechanical efficiency and performance in the horse. In the dog, osteopathy can similarly help reduce pain and stiffness and improve, which in turn limits the damage to other ligaments and soft tissues through compensation.
What Equine Osteopathy Can Help...
• Lameness, uneven stride, poor tracking up, inability to

maintain tempo or collection.
• Stiffness, including imbalance on a particular rein or poor
balance up or down hill.
• Reduced performance.
• Altered behaviour – bucking, kicking, rearing, bolting, refusal
to jump, objection to being tacked up, difficulty shoeing.
• Pre- and post competition treatment to aid mobility and
reduce muscle/joint stiffness in competition horses.
• Prevention of injury by ensuring balance and flexibility
through the musculoskeletal system
• Recovery from injury – ligament or bone damage, muscle
tears, joint strains.
• Assisting in mobility and rehabilitation from diagnosed
conditions such as arthritis.
What Canine Osteopathy Can Help...
• Limping, lameness, short or uneven steps.
• Stiffness, muscle tightness or spasm.
• Arthritis.
• Joint pains, including back, neck or limb problems.
• Changes in behaviour.
• Poor or reduced performance in competition.
• Post-operative recovery including aiding any musculoskeletal

It is a legal requirement in the UK that Veterinary consent must be obtained prior to consultation with an osteopath. This in accordance with the Veterinary Surgeon’s Act 1966, which states:
The Veterinary Surgery (Exemptions) Order 1966 allows for the treatment of animals by physiotherapy, provided that the animal has first been seen by a veterinary surgeon who has diagnosed the condition and decided that it should be treated by physiotherapy under his/her direction. ’Physiotherapy’ is interpreted as including all kinds of manipulative therapy. It therefore includes osteopathy and chiropractic but would not, for example, include acupuncture or aromatherapy.
For more information on how Equine or Canine Osteopathy can help, please visit: