to make an appointment please call
Update November 2020
Saffron Walden Osteopathic Clinic is open for appointments despite the recent Government announcement regarding the Covid-19 pandemic.
Osteopaths are primary healthcare professionals, as such we are allowed to continue to provide our services to the community to help support the NHS with regard to musculoskeletal services.
We are awaiting an update from our Governing Bodies on any restrictions that may be imposed but hope that due to our clinical status we will also be able to continue to provide massage treatments alongside our osteopathic services.
All appointments are made following guidance from Public Health England and our governing body The General Osteopathic Council.
We have new safety measures in place to protect and minimise risk to our patients, our practitioners and our support staff. Before all appointments there will be a triage telephone call/email questionnaire and entry to the clinic is by appointment only. We are allowing extra time between each patient to allow for social distancing, minimise waiting time and to allow for cleaning of both the treatment room and the reception area. All practitioners will be wearing PPE and we request you wear a mask throughout your time in the clinic. There are hand washing facilities available and hand hygiene stations on entry to the clinic.
Please do let us know if you are feeling unwell (including non-Covid-19 symptoms) to enable us to keep everyone as safe as possible. If you have any questions or would like to book an appointment either face to face or a telephone/online appointment please telephone or email the clinic and we will be happy to help.
We look forward to seeing you.
What to expect when you book:
We will ask you if you or any members of your household have had symptoms or been confirmed Covid-19 positive in the last 14 days. Symptoms include a high temperature (37.8°C or above) a new persistent cough and/or a loss of taste and smell.

Telephone Triage/Screening:
The day before your appointment we will call you to ask you a few health screening questions. This will again ask you if you have had any symptoms of Covid-19 or whether you have had any known contact with anyone who has had a positive test for Covid-19. If you have developed symptoms or had contact with anyone who has tested positive for Covid-19 we will reschedule your appointment without any cancellation charge.

Arriving for your appointment:
Please notify us how you will be arriving at the clinic on the day of your appointment. Where possible we will arrange provision for parking at the rear of the clinic. Otherwise please use the local car parks/side streets and maintain social distancing. If you are walking or using public transport, we ask you to consider social distancing and minimise contact points in the community.
Please arrive at the time of your appointment and ring the doorbell to gain entry to the clinic. Your practitioner will take you straight through to the treatment room. This avoids any cross-over of patients and the need for waiting in the reception area.
Please minimise what you bring into the clinic and if possible, leave bags and coats in the car or at home.

Hand Hygiene:
On entry to the clinic please use our hygiene station or wash your hands in the facilities provided.

Personal Protective Equipment:
We kindly ask you to wear a mask or face covering during your time in the clinic and throughout your treatment. If you have your own, please wear it. If you don’t have one, we can provide single use face disposable masks.
Our reception staff will be wearing masks and all our practitioners will be wearing PPE as specified by NHS England.

Unless you need a chaperone or carer please attend the clinic alone. All children under the age of 16 require a chaperone. Chaperones will also be telephone triaged/health screened for symptoms of Covid-19 or contact with anyone confirmed positive for Covid-19.

Where possible we ask that payments are contactless. Our card machine takes all major debit and credit cards as well as apple pay and google pay.
If you wish to pay by cash, please bring the correct amount and place it in an envelope.

Clinic Cleaning:
All soft furnishings and linens have been removed from the treatment room and you will notice a more minimalistic feel to the clinic. The treatment room is thoroughly cleaned between each patient with appropriate cleaning products. If any towels or equipment are needed to be used, these are single use and either disposed of or laundered at high temperature.
The reception area and card machine are cleaned between each patient.
There is regular deep cleaning of all areas and the flooring.
If you have any queries on the above, please do get in touch. Otherwise we look forward to welcoming you to Saffron Walden Osteopathic Clinic and although we and the clinic may look a little different, we offer the same excellent standard of care and our aim is to keep you and your family safe.